Guided Imagery and Music


Englisch Language

Informationen Level I

Level I 36 hrs Introductionary Training

4.5 days or 2 + 2.5 day (online, hybrid or live)

LEVEL I : Basic topics (relevant for practice)

  • structure of a session: i.e.pre-talk + intention setting
  • guide and traveler: transference + countertransference
  • imagery: basic knowledge about imagery as a way of self-expression
  • pre-talk skills: history taking + setting an intention/creating a focus as an entry-point of the journey
  • relaxation: bodily changes, alpha vs. beta waves in non-ordinary states
  • after-talk: relate the material of the session to the ‚everyday-life ‘of the client
  • the concept of music as a co-therapist
  • research on Music: the ISO Principle, music as a co-therapist and as an agent for cartharsis
  • theoryrelating to GIM: i.e. C.G. Jung, H. Bonny, I. Yalom
  • groups:selected pieces for groups (short introduction of modified GIM)
  • Mandalas as an expression of Self (Jungian perspectives)/ Joan Kellogs (MARI Mandala Research Instrument): possible meanings of symbols and colours

Note: Level I course is an introduction: after completion, participants have two options:

  1. decision, that you took Level I ‚ as a stand-alone course
  2. applying for Level II (6 days intermediate training)

Informationen Level II

Level II 48 hrs. Intermediate Level

6 days or 2 x 3 days (online, hybrid or live)

Development of skills and competencies (LEVEL II)

  • components of GIM ‚in more depths’: enhanced skills: taking history, pre- talk, setting an intention, choice of music, guiding interventions and after-talk skills
  • Music: understanding Level II music programs in theory and practice
  • being able to choose single pieces (MI) for group work/ guiding groups
  • exploring the Mandala: integrating Gestalt techniques
  • after talk: bridge to everyday live + homework assignments.

LEVEL II : Basic topics (relevant for practice)

  • theoretical Impacton grief, loss and guilt
  • Musical principles: basic understanding ofemotionallandscapes, levelsoftension and resolution, rhythm, timbre and tempo
  • Level II music programmes: listening exercises und applying music interventions
  • Hevner’sMoodwheel:categorisationof emotions: listening to selected pieces
  • body interventions: when to use/ how to use/ indications + contraindications
  • Mini workshop:Short music journeys: characteristicsofthesupportiveandholding field
  • Selecting single pieces +setting an intention for group work

Informationen Level III

LEVEL III Advanced Training

six modules (online, hybrid or live)


  1. Workshop: Advanced Guiding + Pathologies (2 x 2 days) 32 hrs. of training
  2. Workshop: Myth, Archetypes and Symbols (4 days) 32 hrs. of training
  3. Workshop: Supervision Workshop (2 x 2 days) 32 hrs. of training
  4. Workshop: Transpersonal Psychology (2 x 2 days) 32 hrs. of training
  5. Workshop Strengthen your musical mind (3 days) 24 hrs. of training
  6. Short Music Journeys for single and group work (2 days) 24 hrs. of training

Closure: Final Project (indivdually discussed or in group) 6 hrs. of trainings

TIMELINE: levels need to be completed within 3 - 4 yrs.

Requirementsfor students before completion: finishing all levels of Training and in additional

having completed all tasks set out in a personal Study Plan.

Level III 32 hrs. GIMinthetreatmentofvariouspathologies

2 x 2 days = 4 days (in presence or online)

Skills and competencies that should be achieved at the end of Level III

  • dealing with intensive emotions, facilitating insight and self-awareness
  • gaining knowledge about pathologies and knowing own boundaries
  • working with the inner child: the importance of self-caring exercises
  • Music: the emotional and physiological effect of music
  • Mandala:practicing Gestalt techniques during after-talk

Advanced Guiding: basic topics (relevant for practice)

  • characteristics of variouspathologiesand other psychological difficulties (ICD-11 Codes:F 32.0 F 32.1. - F 40.0 - F 4
  • resource and solution focused guidelines in the treatment of psychological difficulties
  • GIM for clients with a mild depressive episode (F 32.0) and fears and anxieties (F41.1)
  • abuseand traumatic experience can sho up spontaneously: skills for working with challenging imagery
  • guidelines for thetreatmentofmilddepressions,anxieties, existential crisisandburnout
  • the impact of childhood in later life: biographical aspects
  • changing music according to needs/ fragility of the clients
  • Introduction to a variety of Bonny music programmes
  • short music journeys continued: building up strengths, enhancing personal well-being
  • work:inginclinicalgroups/ othertherapeutic environment, using selected pieces of music
  • listening experiences: music applied during the training


2 x 2 days = 4 days (in presence or online)

Training hrs. 32

Skills and competencies that should be achieved at the end of Level III

  • looking at personal experiences thru the lens of mythic, archetypal and symbolic meaning
  • understanding archetypal symbology and the significance in certain life stages
  • being aware of the appearance of archetypes in imagery, dreams and synchronistic events
  • reflecting upon significant archetypes in your present life/ in past life situations
  • experiencing archetypes in self guided music journeys while diary writing

Myth and archetype: Basic topics (relevant for practice)

  • function of myth in ancient times, in life and in society
  • meaning of archetypes: relating to C.G. Jung and C. Pearson
  • John Campbell: model of the heros journey updated for present life situations
  • archetypal concepts and images during GIM journeys
  • Guiding the hero’s journey and asking a variety of questions
  • symbolism and the possible meaning of symbols( i.e. labyrinths, gardens, mountains)
  • rituals and their relevance during GIM journey
  • archetypal symbols in Mandalas


2 x 2 days = 4 days (in presence or online)

Training hrs. 32

Skills and competencies that should be achieved at the end of Level III

  • identifying the client’s conflicts identifying and strategies of repressing and strategies of resistance/d
  • Processing conflicts by supporting solution-oriented strategies
  • Identifying the characteristic of a transpersonal states
  • after psychodynamic work: support the client to connect with ‚the bigger picture‘
  • symbolic content of spiritual / transpersonal sessions

Spiritual and transpersonal module: Basic topics (relevant for practice)

  • concept of transpersonal psychology: R. Assagioli, S. Grof , Ken Wilber
  • main theories: Ken Wilber (integral theory) and implications for GIM work
  • Helen Bonnyon Spirituality and exploration of the spiritual self
  • Lisa Summers model of transpersonalpotentials in GIM
  • the role of a guide: do’s and dont’s during a transpersonal journey
  • Positive Psychology: the scientific study of resources and strengths
  • spiritual emergency situations: characteristic/ how to recognise ‚the dark night of the soul
  • listening to select pieces of music: Music as a transpersonal experience

Level III Supervision Module

4 days (or 2 x 2 days (in presence or online)

Training hrs. 32

Development of skills and competencies

  • working ‚in front of the group‘: playing different roles: re-talk, relaxation skills, guiding and after-talk
  • awareness about personal guiding skills through feedback and group exercises
  • organising your musical library
  • enhancing your tool box: integrating solution oriented technique and cognitive exercises

Supervision Module: Basic topics (relevant for practice)

Note: the Supervision workshop I and II are designed as an in-depth learning and feed-back lab to become a proficient BMGIM therapist, to enhance professional skills, to learn more about latest research and new music programmes

EachSupervision Workshop (2 days) will include practical units

  1. onedyad(traveller,guideand observer)and
  2. onegroupsupervision(withdifferentroles:aclient,aguideforthepre-talk/forthe induction/ the guiding/ the Mandala and the after talk
  3. Group ‚journeys‘ together (after having chosen an intention).

Evaluation of the process will be done in team-work after the journey i.e. intentionofthegroup / hiddenneeds / interactionbetweengroupmember / feelings / outcome


3 days Training . 24 hrs. (live)

Strengthen your musical mind: Basic topics (relevant for practice)

  • exploration of the function of music in BMGIM
  • music as your co-therapist: exercises in group
  • musical epochs, genres, styles and periods
  • A-B-A and other forms
  • Question and answer Quizz: test your knowledge

Short Music Journeys for single and group work

2days Training . 16 hrs. (live)

  • specific description will follow (once participants have finished the Supervision workshop)
  • the work-shop is based on exercises (listening to short pieces at home, analizing and testing them in the group environment

Final project: shared in group or individually discussed with your mentor